Sunday, February 21, 2010

Saving the earth, Part 1 - Learn to accept

One of the first steps towards helping the environment is learning to accept. Environmental pollution and degradation is becoming part of our lives, so there are certain things we should accept and acknowledge before we can seriously start helping the environment. I believe they are:

1. The problem - You can't do much to help if you don't accept the existence and extent of the problem. Sometimes the magnitude of the problem can be scary and we start thinking that there's nothing we can do. On the other hand, we might start thinking that its all a big hype, and the problem will go away on its own. You don't have to juggle those big numbers; just accept that a problem exists that needs fixing. This is not a problem that'll go away if we ignore it or forget it.

2. Yourself - Whether you're an eco-veteran or a novice, you need to accept it. Whether you're ten (or younger) or eighty (or older) you need to know your position in this global effort. If you feel guilty you haven't done anything yet, forgive yourself and move on. We need you. You should accept exactly where you are and be ready to climb the ladder

3. Your life - Before you start to think that your life is structured in such a way, that you can't do anything to be more eco-friendly than you already are, know this: It doesn't matter. No, I'm not saying that the problems in your life have no comparison to the ones faced by earth. What I mean to say is that each of us has a unique potential. This implies that each of us can find our own unique way to help the environment. In fact, even when you do something loads of other people do, like cycling, carpooling, switching off lights etc., your contribution is important and your way might be unique too!

4. The needs and possibilities - I don't need to go over all the data available on environmental degradation, its causes, statistics etc. The important thing is that you accept (to yourself) the need to do something. The environment impacts so many aspects of our live, that it's bound to affect all of us somehow if things keep going the way they are.You need to know what's happening out there, how it affects you, and what you can do about it. If you  would really like to help our world, you can find your way to help. You and your situation is unique, which means there are many unique opportunities and possibilities you can exploit to do your bit. As long as you're sincere, even your smallest contributions matter a lot in the large scheme of things.

The world's out there, waiting to be discovered...



Vintage Obsession said...

the post remimded of one of my experiances during a recent trip. was trying to educate some of my co traveelers on the train that its such a horrible thing to chuck garbage outside the window and litter the entire route.Alas ! it just turned my whole trip sour with ppl getting all agressive that some body who is not even half their age was trying to lecture them.

Charu said...

Awwww...That's a shame. Some people really aren't patient. Even when you try to give your opinion or a suggestion, they think you're lecturing them.
Good you tried anyway. I guess it's just one of the things we youngsters have to accept. *sigh* But that doesn't mean we'll stop trying

Oh, and welcome to my blog :)

Rem. said...

Hm...very basic and very precise.
I like these points, they were to the point and are little goals which we can strive to achieve. Cool..I guess I can try to do it :D
And @Smrithi: I agree with every point of yours.

Charu said...

@Remya: Glad to see you liked it. I was worried that it seemed sort of direct and accusing, but I never thought of it as precise. Hope I didn't disappoint you in the very first part of the series. But I'm glad to know you'll be trying it out, best of luck ! :)

nil said...

I totally agree with Smrithi and Remya. Indeed the post was very precise and well compiled.
My dear writer friend, you have a long way to go :)
I shall surely try to do everything you advised.

Good luck Charu! waiting for more! :)

Charu said...

@Nil: Glad you liked it! And even gladder to hear you'll be trying it out. Indeed, as far as life goes, we all have a long way to go :)
Will try to put up the next part in a couple of days.

Thousif Raza said...

hi charu... i red it.. and its a fine attempt... i am gonna post a word on the blog... nice start.... :)

take care and keep writing.........

Charu said...

@Thousif: Thanks a lot! Hopefully, spreading the message around will get it to all the right people. Knowledge is power, right?
Am on my way to your blog...

Arpit said...

um redirected from Thousif's blog..
Great Start There. :)

Anonymous said...

An Inspiring post...Even the comments were a good read. Well done!
Came over from Thousif's blog.

Charu said...

@Arpita: Thank you :)

@Choco: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the post (and the comments)