Saturday, September 17, 2011

A poem - Dying and living everyday

I wrote this poem a few weeks back. What do you think?

Dying and Living Everyday

My eyes close, my breath slows
My hands fall, my legs stop.
It is all too much, the world's demands.
Do unadulterated feelings find no place?
I carry a hidden weight
Of my own and the world's problems
Which seems to grow with my knowledge
And my realization that the world has taught me want.
Beautiful, glazed posters taped above my desk
Teaching my heart to forget its dreams
As if they have already been realized.
To focus on the small, daily things of life.
When I am taught to want what the world seems to want
Who am I but a lonely drop in the ocean?
There is pattern, order and structure around me
But I don't feel freedom.
There is something unnatural in the things I do
When the world teaches me to act, to get what I want
Where shall quiet thinking and natural action find place?
But it is difficult to write such things.
It is difficult to reach my heart
When it is buried under the layers
The world says it needs.

               - Charu

What do we live for?

I got the pic here


Saru Singhal said...

I think the poem reflects your state of mind. I like the beginning of the poem as the feelings are worded very nicely. In the end, your understanding of life in general is reflected. Anyone can relate to this poem. Unadulterated emotions are hard to find these days! Great poem Charu

nil said...

And you've done it again, Charu.
The lines-
"Teaching my heart to forget its dreams
As if they have already been realized." made me smile, for it stands so true. We are so young, so erratic. We are only stepping on brittle stones to realize what our dreams really are!

And the last few lines-
"It is difficult to reach my heart
When it is buried under the layers
The world says it needs." -- Damn,lady! What lines. Beautiful I say. Bravo.
Looks like I've missed out on a lot. But not to worry, I'm back! :)

nil said...

Also, LOVE the new look of the blog :)

Charu said...

@Saru Singhal: You're quite right. The poem did reflect my state of mind and thoughts at the time. I'm really glad you like the poem*especially the beginning) and thanks ever so much for your lovely comment :)

@Prabhavati: Hello! Thanks for your appreciation :)

@Nil: Thanks *big, big smile* And it's wonderful see you on my blog again :) And you're right. We're still only realising what our dreams really are. And we go deeper into ourselves to find them. Exciting, right?

@Nil: yay!

A Fineapple said...

i hav never been able to express my feelings in words.. its kinda hard for me most of the times..
reading ur poems makes me feel tht now i've got words to those feeling i'v not been able to pen down.. :) :)
beautiful poem.. :)

Charu said...

@Arpitha: Awww, I feel honoured *blush* I'm so glad I can write poems that resonate with you so much. Thanks so much and I'm very glad you like the poem :)

Kalyan said...

lovely lines...nicely crafted words!

Charu said...

@Kalyan: Hello! Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it :) Hope to see you often!